Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bosom Buddies

Only in New Orleans is it not a big deal when a wife gets a phone call from her husband that goes like this:
J: I'm going dress shopping with the guys after work.
Me: How come?
J: We're marching with Bobby Hebert tomorrow.
Me: Okay, let me know if you find anything good!
(Here's the short version of the story behind the march; it's very sweet considering it's a bunch of guys. Of course you know it's Saints Football related!)

Friday, January 29, 2010


I gave the girls a bath tonight, and as I'm putting on Molly's pull-ups for bed we talk about the picture of Dora sliding down a rainbow on the front of the pull-up:
Molly: I want to slide down the rainbow with Dora.
Me: Me too, baby, me too.
Molly: You're too old to slide down the rainbow!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I have Guilt.

I saw this picture on another blog, and I thought it was cute and wanted to pass it on to my former co-workers who would appreciate the humor.

One of the nurses e-mailed me back to say hi and to tell me about one of the other nurses (NJ) - it wasn't good news. NJ is one of those people who makes a difference in the world. I can honestly say that she has touched many lives.

I worked with NJ for about 10 years, I guess. The year I left for my current job, 2007, NJ got sick. I thought about it and felt like if things could wait until I got settled in my new job and lost a few pounds that I would have no problems giving NJ a kidney; at the very least being tested to see if we'd be a match.

Fast forward almost three years and NJ is not doing well at all. The e-mail said that she'd had some serious problems and almost died. I've always been very pro-organ donation, even as a teenager; I filled out my donor registration card on my 18th birthday. I'm feeling guilty for not running over to offer my kidney. I feel like I've got an extra one and she really needs it. BUT...there's always a but, isn't there? Things aren't going well with my current job, and even if things were better, I don't have anywhere near the time off I'd need for recovery. I work because I have to, not because I want to - unpaid time off is no bueno. So of course I feel selfish because I feel like it comes down to a money issue. And money's not supposed to matter in the grand scheme of life, right?

I know there are other risks and problems associated with donation, and if something happened to me my husband would be alone and my kids wouldn't have a mom. And the rational part of my brain tells me these are all legitimate reasons not to feel guilty, but I still feel like a selfish bitch.

Ha! The ad on the side of my "blog published successfully" message was for liver transplants at Ochsner Hospital! Weird, huh?

I get around....

I know this is NOT my book blog, but I I thought some of you might be interested in my guest post over at the Cajun Book Lady today. Kris invited me as part of her Louisiana Blogger Feature and I was thrilled to participate! Please stop by and say hi!

And since we're talking about Louisiana, I just need to add....

Geaux Saints!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Black and Gold....Superbowl!!!

Can I get a WHO DAT!?!

OMG, that game last night. Talk about an on-the-edge of your seat game! I don't usually get too emotional about the games (it IS just a game, right?) but, oh, this one had my heart stopping and starting in a dangerous rhythm! For the first time EVER, the Saints are going to the Superbowl!! This game kept me on the edge of my seat the whole game. It was a great game and we had fun watching...even if there may have been a time or two we need those shock paddles the EMTs carry to restart hearts! And, oh, that last few seconds - I think the whole city held their breath until the ball went through those uprights!
Superbowl Bound:

"Finish Strong" indeed....

Oh, by the way, Hannah and I want this:

Make it happen.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Catching the Fever

I need to just say that New Orleans is a city on the edge right now.

Usually, we're getting ready for Mardi Gras - the viewing stands are already up in front of Gallier Hall and along St. Charles Avenue and historically people are making parade plans - the parade schedule heats up soon. There are a few parades next weekend, but the party starts in earnest on February 6 and there will be no rest until Fat Tuesday (Feb. 16)!!! Just at a quick glance, there are about 21 parades I want to go to - and that does not include Mardi Gras day (I usually stay home that day - I don't like getting up before dawn to try to wrestle a place to watch parades). I know I won't be able to hit them all but at least I've whittled out the ones I know I'm not going to attend. AND, this year Ian will be working with Jerrod for his Christian Service Hours, so it will be just me and the girls. (How juvenile is it of me that when I hear the phrase "the girls" I always think of boobies?)

That would be normal for this time of year. But this year, the Saints are ONE GAME AWAY from the Superbowl!!! (They actually moved the parade schedule around for Super Bowl Sunday) You can't throw a rock without hitting someone dressed in black and gold (including me) and the radio keeps playing these songs over and over:

This one is really cute - a takeoff of Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA":

and this one really gets the blood pumping:

Here's a variation on that one I hadn't heard before:

(for anyone not local, the guy in the beginning jumping around is Bobby Hebert - a former Saints player and local beloved Cajun celebrity)

And of course the 2010 remix of the song from 2005 (after Katrina):

and Kermit Ruffins:


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Super Saturday!!!

Let me start by saying this:


1 game away from the Superbowl!!

While the Saints were kicking the Cardinal's asses all over the dome, I was at a booksigning with Richelle Mead for the first half of the game. She's one of my favorite authors, writing the Vampire Academy series and also the Georgina Kincaid series. She also writes a fantasy series, Dark Swan, which I haven't read yet but bought the first book in the series last night. Ian was kind enough to come with me as my book mule so I could get two extra books signed for my other blog. She was gracious and funny and I really enjoyed myself.

Oh, she did a blog post about coming to New Orleans and Ian and I are in the picture!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What Number Are We Thinking Of?*

*69, Dudes!

I'm here surfing the blogosphere, listening to hubs recite lines along with Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure on the television.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Just because it feels good doesn't mean it's good for you.

You may have noticed I've been in kind of a funk lately. Not depressed, just....down. Kinda pulled into my own little cave and not letting anyone in. It lasted about six weeks or so and it's only been since New Year's that I've been feeling better. I've been trying to get out of my shell and connect with people, you know, do stuff. But today is the day where I look back at where I was and think, "That cave was comfortable, nice and warm. That cave was made just for me and no one bothered me there." Do I want to go back? No, but it's looking very tempting...I caught myself turning around and taking a step towards it today. I'm glad I've got Jerrod and SIL(H) to talk to - thank you both for letting me bitch. About everything, not just the afternoon stuff. I know I shouldn't need other people to feel validated, but sometimes it helps.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For

Well, I figured some things out from the last post - My goodreads feeds into twitter and facebook. I think Twitter feeds into facebook too. So it works,right?

After I updated my goodreads to reflect I'm reading Dirty by Megan Hart and it showed up on facebook, I'm thinking I might not want all my facebook peeps (family! priests!) to know I read dirty books! So I ran back in and pulled the feeds. Chicken? Yeah, that's me!

I guess I'll give it a bit of time and see how it goes...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I love it when a plan comes together*

*Murdoch, The A-Team

Well, it started to come together. Part of my New Year's Resolution is to be more technologically friendly.

Why, oh why, didn't I spend my youth playing video games and computer stuff? Oh, yeah, I think I was spending all my cash on lip gloss and Duran Duran records.

Because of that, now I don't know my head from a hole in the ground when it comes to computer stuff. Well, recently, I made a blog button (with a bit of help) and joined twitter. I decided I wanted to merge facebook, twitter, and goodreads. I'm not sure if I did. Here's what I know:

1. I know my goodreads content goes into twitter.

That's it.

I don't know if my facebook goes to twitter or if my twitter goes to facebook.
I don't know if goodreads goes to facebook.
I don't know how to find out.

My IT person (lurve you!) has been super sweet but I'm sure if she has to roll her eyes one more time at my stupidity her eyes will probably fall out of her head and land on the floor, where she might accidentally roll over them with her chair. Then I'd feel guilty.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Are We There Yet?

We got back from our mini-vacation last night - I'm soooo tired today! Dropped the kids off this morning - only problem is Kid 2 didn't have school! Good thing hubs is off today; crisis averted!!

Houston was awesome, as usual! Here are some of the highlights:

Our first night there was interesting. We got in around 8:00-ish, met H1 and SIL, and tried to check in at the wrong hotel. Oops! Walked next door to the correct hotel and checked in. Put everything in the room and went to eat at the restaurant next to the hotel. Let me start by saying there were 7 of us and they automatically include the tip for parties of 6 or more - and it showed. The waiter ignored us all night. When I asked for a cup with a lid for the 3-year-old, he came back and told me the cup that had the lids was not a good one and wouldn't fit a straw so he brought one without. Of course, as soon as he walked away Molly spilled her full drink all over the table. After we cleaned it all up and I sat there with a sticky table and dirty napkins all over, I told the waiter we wanted that cup/lid combo, which turned out to be a soup to-go container with a lid. Here's the thing - we never got straws - any of us! I ended up giving Molly the stir straw from my margarita. All in all, not a good experience.

So, we hang out and go to bed around 12:30 or so. At 2:30 am we are awakened by the fire alarm - crap! We head out into the cold night (I grab my kids, my purse, and my Kindle) and wait for about an hour before they let us go back upstairs. Turns out it was a busted water line or something.

I got to push the button at a crosswalk. I know, I know, I sound like a little kid pushing elevator buttons, but I've never done it before! We don't have those here and growing up we never lived anywhere where they had crosswalk buttons. It was a silly little thrill. The reason I had to cross the stree was not so fun - had to go buy cranberry pills and meds to make my UTI symptoms stop - on the first morning of vacation - yuck.

We headed over to the Galleria to shop and have lunch - we ate at the Rainforest Cafe. It was pretty neat and the food was good. Molly (and the rest of us) loved the decor and had a good time. After that, we went by Dylan's Candy store. I chased Molly around, and then disaster happened: Bridget decided to fill her own bag of self-serve candy....and lost control of the dispenser. The thing is, once the candy hits your bag you have to pay for it. Did you know 2 1/2 pounds of M&Ms cost almost $40 at Dylans? Yup. One unhappy child who now has no Christmas money left and two unhappy parents who had to make up the difference.

Saturday SIL, J, the girls and I went to Trader's Village - a huge outdoor flea-market. We had a great time! Some of the stuff was crap, but some of it was great. We found some gorgeous Mexican pottery, of course I picked up a few apple items and some blue glass, J and I both got cheap sunglasses, and the girls got to pick out a few toys. SIL got some gorgeous Frida pictures and local honey. We also found a great little jewelry maker in a sword shop - The Pirates Cove. ThimbleNina does nice work and we purchased four necklaces between the three of us!! I'm wearing the Boondock Saints necklace today:

J got this one to hang in his car and I also bought a fairy one for myself as well.

<---- She said she can do anything I send her a photo of and I'm thinking about getting her to make this one. I think it would look great!

And, on our last night in Houston, I was awakened at 2:30 am by a bunch of crazy men in the room next door. They were yelling and jumping around and doors slamming and more yelling and stomping. After about 15 minutes of nonstop yelling (in Spanish so I don't know what it was all about) I called the front desk and told them I thought there was a fight in the room next door. It went on for almost an hour on and off until I was finally able to sleep. Then, around 9:30, a different floor was evacuated (don't know why) and firetrucks were once again at our hotel! I thought it was an appropriate ending to our vacation.
It was great to visit with H1 and SIL - Ian and H1 bonded over some heavy gaming, and I'm glad they allow us to come visit twice a year! Love you guys!
Even though I'm tired, I feel mentally refreshed and my reading slump is over and I feel like I'm back where I'm supposed to be. I hope your New Year was great too!