Saturday, January 30, 2010
Bosom Buddies
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I have Guilt.
One of the nurses e-mailed me back to say hi and to tell me about one of the other nurses (NJ) - it wasn't good news. NJ is one of those people who makes a difference in the world. I can honestly say that she has touched many lives.
I worked with NJ for about 10 years, I guess. The year I left for my current job, 2007, NJ got sick. I thought about it and felt like if things could wait until I got settled in my new job and lost a few pounds that I would have no problems giving NJ a kidney; at the very least being tested to see if we'd be a match.
Fast forward almost three years and NJ is not doing well at all. The e-mail said that she'd had some serious problems and almost died. I've always been very pro-organ donation, even as a teenager; I filled out my donor registration card on my 18th birthday. I'm feeling guilty for not running over to offer my kidney. I feel like I've got an extra one and she really needs it. BUT...there's always a but, isn't there? Things aren't going well with my current job, and even if things were better, I don't have anywhere near the time off I'd need for recovery. I work because I have to, not because I want to - unpaid time off is no bueno. So of course I feel selfish because I feel like it comes down to a money issue. And money's not supposed to matter in the grand scheme of life, right?
I know there are other risks and problems associated with donation, and if something happened to me my husband would be alone and my kids wouldn't have a mom. And the rational part of my brain tells me these are all legitimate reasons not to feel guilty, but I still feel like a selfish bitch.
Ha! The ad on the side of my "blog published successfully" message was for liver transplants at Ochsner Hospital! Weird, huh?
I get around....

And since we're talking about Louisiana, I just need to add....

Monday, January 25, 2010
Black and Gold....Superbowl!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Catching the Fever
I need to just say that New Orleans is a city on the edge right now.
Usually, we're getting ready for Mardi Gras - the viewing stands are already up in front of Gallier Hall and along St. Charles Avenue and historically people are making parade plans - the parade schedule heats up soon. There are a few parades next weekend, but the party starts in earnest on February 6 and there will be no rest until Fat Tuesday (Feb. 16)!!! Just at a quick glance, there are about 21 parades I want to go to - and that does not include Mardi Gras day (I usually stay home that day - I don't like getting up before dawn to try to wrestle a place to watch parades). I know I won't be able to hit them all but at least I've whittled out the ones I know I'm not going to attend. AND, this year Ian will be working with Jerrod for his Christian Service Hours, so it will be just me and the girls. (How juvenile is it of me that when I hear the phrase "the girls" I always think of boobies?)
That would be normal for this time of year. But this year, the Saints are ONE GAME AWAY from the Superbowl!!! (They actually moved the parade schedule around for Super Bowl Sunday) You can't throw a rock without hitting someone dressed in black and gold (including me) and the radio keeps playing these songs over and over:
This one is really cute - a takeoff of Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA":
and this one really gets the blood pumping:
Here's a variation on that one I hadn't heard before:
(for anyone not local, the guy in the beginning jumping around is Bobby Hebert - a former Saints player and local beloved Cajun celebrity)
And of course the 2010 remix of the song from 2005 (after Katrina):
and Kermit Ruffins:
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Super Saturday!!!
Let me start by saying this:

While the Saints were kicking the Cardinal's asses all over the dome, I was at a booksigning with Richelle Mead for the first half of the game. She's one of my favorite authors, writing the Vampire Academy series and also the Georgina Kincaid series. She also writes a fantasy series, Dark Swan, which I haven't read yet but bought the first book in the series last night. Ian was kind enough to come with me as my book mule so I could get two extra books signed for my other blog. She was gracious and funny and I really enjoyed myself.
Oh, she did a blog post about coming to New Orleans and Ian and I are in the picture!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
What Number Are We Thinking Of?*

Monday, January 11, 2010
Just because it feels good doesn't mean it's good for you.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Be Careful What You Wish For
Well, I figured some things out from the last post - My goodreads feeds into twitter and facebook. I think Twitter feeds into facebook too. So it works,right?
After I updated my goodreads to reflect I'm reading Dirty by Megan Hart and it showed up on facebook, I'm thinking I might not want all my facebook peeps (family! priests!) to know I read dirty books! So I ran back in and pulled the feeds. Chicken? Yeah, that's me!
I guess I'll give it a bit of time and see how it goes...