Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Undercover Brother

Yeah, that's right, I'm avoiding work. My eyes are about to pop out of my head from proofing docs and I need a break. Take that around the corner and sniff it. (I have no idea what that means)

ChiaPop and I were talking last night about SIL(H)'s blog entry yesterday (or was it the day before, my mind is all boggled) and about how much H1 makes us laugh. H1 has a tendency to make you laugh when you don't expect it - he's undercover funny - that's right, I said it, he's my Undercover Brother. (Solid!)

BB's been up to some funny stuff but I can't remember any of it... Ian's having a rough time at school but I think he's finally figured out a way to get a handle on his academics... Molly's favorite words are "that" and "hmmm?"

After this week, J has only one more week at school. He graduates Dec. 7 - yay!!! His ring is really nice. Maybe we should have a party? His graduation day is the day before my work Christmas Party, so H1 and SIL1 will be in town that I see a celebration coming on?!! Let that simmer a bit and I'll get back to ya'.


Hannah said...

You're blogging at work, I'm telling. Okay, no I'm not. You need to carry a small notepad in your purse so that when BB makes her comment of the day, you can write it down. :))

Anonymous said...

Theoretically, someone can watch the kids while you come to B.R. for my Graduation, and then we don't ever need to come home. How's that for a present!!!!