Sunday, April 25, 2010

Quick, Fun Ian update

I know I haven't been around much lately, and when I do it's usually an Ian update, but for those who haven't seen him lately - here's your update. Warning: the 2nd picture is a bit graphic for those with weak stomachs!!!

I took this picture because he's going back to school tomorrow but he hasn't shaved for about two weeks so I've never seen his face with this much "beard" on it before! He's got to shave tonight but I wanted to catch him before he did it. Sadly, the supershort haircut he accidentaly got two weeks ago doesn't seem to have grown as fast as the facial hair, LOL! (Needless to say he was squirmy and uncooperative in giving me this pic!)

Okay, hopefully I've scrolled down enough that this pic won't be obvious unless you want it to be.


Here's the leg after they took the staples out. I didn't get the hole near the top of the leg and you can't really see the hole on the other side of his knee, but here's the main cut. It doesn't look huge in the pic but keep in mind he's about 6'3" so that's a good chunk of leg there.

Oh, my baby!!!! He is getting around better so I'm pleased with the progress. He's back to being a crutch ninja; he's hopping around all over the place and you should see how he gets his pants off - he's so silly!


Louisiana Rose said...

Life can throw some curve balls, can't it?

Anonymous said...

Ummmm...where is the little Ian I remember? Who is that grown-up looking young man????...Auntie M