Tuesday, February 10, 2009


One of the things I like about living in New Orleans is Mardi Gras season. Especially now that I work downtown. Watching the city dress herself up for her guests is really something to see. Every day there's something new, from grandstands to decorations to barricades. You can feel the anticipation in the air, it's gonna be good, you just know it. I've also noticed more transients, not homeless, I don't think, but you know - guys (and the occasional girl) with big backpacks, hanging around the charity food handout spots, but not looking like a "true" homeless guy. I think they just come in for Mardi Gras and then keep on going. The kids are starting to ask which parades we're going to see, and I've started planning how to get a good spot, keep track of the kids and folding chairs and ladders, the "bead bags", and the snacks. And maybe, just maybe, work in a bit of drinky to smooth it all along! I'm thrilled H1 and Co. will be coming for the big weekend - sleep while you can, motherf*ckers!!!

Many thanks to all who helped BB by buying and/or selling Girl Scout cookies - she sold 355 boxes!! I didn't think about it until after the fact, but we'll have to sort those cookies - boo!! Haha - just kidding. On the downside, it will be Lent by the time those cookies come in. How am I gonna manage eating yummy cookies during Lent? I'll check the Bible, there's gotta be a loophole in there somewhere....

Molly-Moo is hitting the 2's - HARD. She's making me crazy. I love, love, love her....but I'm finding more and more that I need to just "walk away" for a minute. Maybe they should have explained that the "time out" is not for the kids, but actually the parents!


Hannah said...

You go put your nose in the corner right now missy!

Anonymous said...

You CAN eat those cookies during Lent. Grandma Smith told me that if you count 40 days, it's longer than that from Ash Wed to Easter Sun. That's because you NEVER count Sundays. Sundays are always days of joy and you don't have to follow your Lenten sacrifices. So... munch on Sundays!...Auntie M

Anonymous said...

MArdi Gras SSSSSUUUUUUUUXXXXXX!!!!! If you have to work.