Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sesame Street

There's nothing like driving in to work on a clear day, windows down, listening to the Crystal Method cranked up loud (except maybe driving anywhere else but work). We've got tickets to Jazz Fest on Sunday with Governor's Lounge access, AND Chiamom has graciously agreed to babysit (an order of crawfish bread is on the way!). Our vacation is falling into place. Our Houston mini-vacation is falling into place. I thought when I went in to get Molly ready and the crib was a poop-a-palooza that it was going to be a bad day. Not so much, so far.

BB update: J took her to the orthopaedist yesterday (thanks babe!). Basically he said she jammed her finger into her hand and that's how she broke it. He put her into a new splint and told us not to take this one off (the old one smelled and I HAD to wash it - and her!) and come back in two weeks. The new splint has her pointer and middle fingers up and the rest of her fingers loose. Her arm looks like a periscope or one of those box-things that you make to look at a solar eclipse! So, I drew a face on it and now it looks like a cat. Eh, she's happy.


Hannah said...

Ahh, windows down - radio up. There's nuttin betta! Okay, well maybe one thing. Or two.

Anyway ....

Hannah said...

Oh, and, Raver in disguise much?? I love it!!

Anonymous said...

My wife's "rollin'". Whats up with that? Pretty soon she'll be in a dark room with a damn pacifier!!!

Hannah said...

I can hear Molly crying for her pacifier and P is in the bathroom with glo sticks! That's awesome!