Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Do Prostitutes have a Patron Saint?*

*Ah, the questions children ask when you least expect them!!

Actually, I did try to google that and didn't find an answer. I thought it would be Mary Magdelene but really I think she got a bum rap with that whole "whore" thing. That was probably the Uptight Man Club of the early Church. I would guess she really wasn't a prostitute. (When I was little I used to get "prostitute" and "protestant" confused -heh heh) They were probably just threatened by a strong woman in those times.

I'm getting more excited and more confident about my new job. There is one problem, though. I noticed at my interview that there is one bathroom on the floor and it has stalls. Not a problem if I have to pee, but....I think you see where I'm going with this. Lots of people have a shy bladder, I have a shy bootay. I just can't go in that kind of situation. I'm either going to have to find a secret bathroom, change my eating habits, or be very uncomfortable. Not sure I like any of those options. We'll see, I guess. (why do I feel like I should be eating dinner right now? oh, because this is typical Herrick dinner conversation!)

Update: Due to some recent e-mails from administration to my co-worker regarding my leaving, I am more glad than ever to go. This place is so full of shit I'm surpised the walls aren't brown. I was going to try to help and ease the transition, but the e-mail I read (to someone else about me) makes me want to say "Fuck you very much, goodbye and suck me!"

Important dates for family: May 14 - Ian Graduation (evening) , May 16 - BB Graduation (daytime), May 28 Dance Recital, oh, almost forgot the most important date: May 11!! If any of my brothers don't know why that date is important I'm coming over to kick you in the balls. (Not that I was a day late for Kenny's or anything - I remembered, I just forgot to call! My bad!)


Hannah said...

Good news for you is that there is a handicapped bathroom between the M/F doors. All alone, door locked, serene environment so that you shit is peace.

The 11th?? Hmm, not sure what that's about. Hehe, I'm not skeered, I got no balls. hehe

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

At this point you can do no wrong. You can forget my birthday for the next 10 years and I'll let it slide!

Hannah said...

Ahhh, me like-y!

Louisiana Rose said...

Wait, it was your BROTHER that wanted me to turn around at school and drive 10 miles back home so he could "use the bathroom" in Charleston.

Anonymous said...

Oh Bummer!!! I thought May 14 was a Friday night. Now I can't surprise y'all.

Anonymous said...

Allright. My wife hasn't even started working with Hannah's people yet and she's all ready telling people to "suck her", and threatening to kick people in the balls! Maybe this was a bad idea...

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

May 11 is a Friday night - hint, hint!! that would be a nice surprise!!!

Anonymous said...

Geez, Louise!!!