Friday, December 4, 2009

And So It Has Begun...

I realized today that the Holidays have started and we're going to be busy for awhile - whereas the rest of the world winds down after New Year's Day, we here in New Orleans keep right on going! Mardi Gras season starts Jan 6 (12th Night) and ends on Fat Tuesday, which this year is Feb. 16. So, I can already tell that from approximately February 5 - Feb 16 I will be operating on 0 hours of sleep - look - the parade schedule is up already!!! I'm tired already.

J and I haven't started Christmas shopping yet so we need to get on the stick about that. He put up the lights last weekend and they look great. All colorful and tacky. I hate white Christmas ornaments - that's for the adults. When you take your kids out to look at lights - they don't oooh and aaah over the sophisticated white lights - they want tacky, colorful Christmas fun. We have the regular lights, and then we have the "Cajun Chandeliers":

(unlit) They're see-through plastic cups glued together and filled with lights

They look like this in the dark(Got the image here - no I don't know those kids)

I think we're going to get a tree this weekend and the following weekend is my company's holiday party and H1 and SIL will be in to visit! We're soooo not ready!

Hmmm...thinking about Mardi Gras makes me think I should ask Santa for a nice, custom built Mardi Gras ladder this year. It needs to be sturdy, a platform more than a ladder per se, have drink holders, hooks for the "throw" bags, and a place to put a cooler. And a sturdy railing that the kids can't fall from. Is it doable?
Oh - and look how cute Molly looks in the coat and hat SIL's mother sent:

Isn't she precious?!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

At least you don't want much on your MG ladder but heck yeh it's doable!

I'm ready for MG like...RIGHT NOW!!